Sensitive to Mold and Other Allergens?

Sensitive to Mold and Other Allergens?

DID YOU KNOW that even the healthiest of individuals can still feel negative effects in the presence of some common things around the house?

It’s not something that necessarily has to start growing in the basement of your house after a flood. It’s something that can “just happen” and it’s not good news. But it can be easily fixed.

First of all, what are we talking about?


How To Prevent A Home Fire

While a water damage occurring in your home from a rain or windstorm, a broken pipe or perhaps an overflowing sink or toilet is a terrible event to experience, virtually nothing is as devastating as a fire. And while statistics indicate a downward trend in house fires, mainly because of better, modern safety protocols, it is still a huge issue that must be addressed. For example, in 2013 there were more than 1,200,000 home fires, nearly 3,500 deaths and 16,000 injuries reported by the National Fire Protection Association. More than half of home fires start in one of your favorite places: The kitchen. That’s right. Cooking is an everyday occurrence and it is the number one cause of fires. Usually on the stove. Other causes include candles, Christmas trees, overburdened electrical cords/outlets, appliance malfunctions and cigarettes or cigars, to name just a few. What can you do to make things safe in your home and protect your family?
Avoiding Wood Deck Woes

Avoiding Wood Deck Woes

Avoiding Wood Deck Woes

Wood decks can be beautiful things, add value and enjoyment to your home. Unless they are ignored or neglected, of course.

Like any surface in your home, a wood deck needs some special care. While a lower-cost alternative to pavers, concrete and other hard surface materials, wood decks are very attractive, especially if you chose a color tone that matches your home and is one you enjoy.

But after a year or two, aging happens and dirt and grime accumulates. Stains as well. You start to wonder what you can do to bring back to life the deck you admired so much. Continue reading “Avoiding Wood Deck Woes”


Protect Yourself: Insurance

You turn to your insurance company and your agent you have been paying faithfully for many years. All you want is for your valuable items lost in the disaster to be replaced.

There aren’t many events that are more disturbing or more tragic than a flood or fire in your home.

Your home is a place to raise your family. It’s a place to feel safe and secure. So, when an event occurs that takes it all away from you “” even temporarily “” it’s normal for a feeling of helplessness to overwhelm those in the family.

You need help. You need reassurance. You want everything to be back to normal and you can’t do it alone.

That’s what insurance is for, right? Continue reading “Protect Yourself: Insurance”

Water, Water Everywhere!

DID YOU KNOW that water is the most essential element of life? That’s right. We all need water. We need it to bathe, to drink, to water plants and the grass, and even to enjoy recreationally, such as in a swimming pool. 

But are there times when you may wish water was scarce? Yes, such as when some water ends up where it shouldn’t be, like on your valuable wood floor.

When that happens, you must clean it up quickly. If you don’t, permanent damage can occur.


Until Help Arrives

There are many steps you can take as a responsible homeowner when flooding occurs in your home, whether from an overflowing toilet or a failed sump pump.

First of all, keep it safe. Do not do anything that can cause physical harm to yourself or your family, which can mean working in areas with electricity that have water damage issues.

Pick things up. When water intrudes, picking up smaller items and placing them out of harm’s way is important.

For objects you value, normally smaller items, and can get to without danger to yourself, start wiping them off and getting them dry. Although your water damage pro will handle the final cleaning and restoring of valuable objects, you can do much to help the process.
